Verification body
Carbon projects will have an initial validation process and a periodic verification process, by a duly qualified independent verification body, in accordance with the criteria established by the government order no. 240/2024/1.
Verification bodies of the Voluntary Carbon Market are individuals, acting in their individual name or on behalf of a legal entity, independent of the project promoter, and holders of a qualification certificate issued by the qualification system entity manager.
The qualification of MVC verification body is carried out according to the categories associated with the following groups of sectors of activity:
- Energy: extraction and production of fuels; burning of fuel and transport;
- Industrial Processes: industrial processes; production and use of fluorinated gases; non-energy uses of fuels;
- Agriculture: livestock; use of nitrogen fertilizers; burning of agricultural waste;
- Land Use: carbon in biomass and soil from forests, agriculture, pastures, and other land uses; rural fires;
- Wetlands and marines: management of marine and coastal ecosystems;
- Waste: solid waste and wastewater.
The verification body is responsible for the initial validation of the project and for verifying the actual reduction of greenhouse gas emissions or carbon sequestration by the project, with reference to the applicable methodology and the monitoring plan and report.
If you are interested in exercising the function, and being recognized, as a Verification Body in the Voluntary Carbon Market, follow the instructions contained in the document “Verification Body Recognition” (Contents in Portuguese).